Matteo Colombini Gnutti
Matteo Colombini Gnutti is a member of the Board of Directors of the Gnutti Carlo Group.
He was born in Brescia (Italy) in 1974. He too represents the fourth generation of the Gnutti family. He joined the Board of the Gnutti Carlo Group in 2014, alongside Pier Carlo and Mario in the management of the comapny. After his classical studies and two masters in business management, his managerial training took place in a family business, a leader at European level, in the metallurgical sector, where he remained for many years. Matteo is an optimist-realist who grew up with his feet on the ground and tied to the meaning and values of the family. His DNA is well marked: being far-sighted, looking ahead and always seizing new opportunities. He loves sport in general, especially living the mountains in all its form: 'in life, it is important to set goals, even ambitiuos ones, to try to reach them, facing difficulties with tenacy and determination'.